Tracking your Real Estate Leases in a Spreadsheet? Why it’s Time to Rethink an Age-old Practice
While lease administration software can be a useful tool, it’s not a replacement for the knowledge and support provided by a lease administration provider. If you’re looking to manage your leases more effectively, a lease administration provider is an important investment to consider.

If I Have Lease Administration Software, Do I Need a Lease Administration Provider?
While lease administration software is an essential tool for managing real estate leases, it is not a substitute for the expertise and services offered by lease administration providers. By partnering with a lease administration provider, companies can benefit from expert knowledge and support, customized solutions, lease audit recoveries, data management and analysis, risk management and compliance, and time-savings.

8 Tips When Negotiating a Lease Amendment
Tips we have come up with to ensure your next amendment helps provide the clarity and protections a tenant needs.