Portfolio Analysis
Understand Your Real Estate
There is one thing to have a large portfolio of leases, there’s another to have a full understanding of your portfolio. The difference enables real estate teams and executives to make strategic decisions that save money and get the most use out of your portfolio. NLA’s lease administration service allows for custom metrics, so we are always tracking what is most important to your business.
- What are my best opportunities to save money across my portfolio?
- Where can I improve space efficiency?
- Where are my CAMs the highest?
- Am I paying market rent at my locations?
Metrics Tracked
Cost and Space Metrics
- Analyze Base Rent and CAMs Across Locations
- Breakdown Rent Cost Per Employee and Per Revenue Producer
- Analyze Efficiency of Square Footage Usage
- Analyze Efficiency of Space Plan (Cost Per Office, Desk, Dock Door, etc.)
- Workable Reporting Allows for Integration of Revenue Metrics for Client Internal Discussions
Sustainability Metrics
- Know Which Locations are Environmentally Sustainable
- NLA Will Work With You To Create A Sustainability Checklist and Reach Out to Landlords for Answers About Building Efficiency and Property Management Practices

Custom Metrics
- Track Metrics Most Important to Your Business
- Custom Reporting That Can Be Utilized for Strategic Real Estate Decisions
Market Rent Analysis
Identify areas for costs savings through negotiations with your landlord. NLA utilizes a real estate market database and a network of real estate brokers nationally and internationally to identify where savings can be achieved through lease renegotiations.
Global Metrics
Whether you have a regional, national, or international portfolio, NLA is equipped to provide metrics with reporting in both local currency and US dollar.
Tracking cost and space, sustainability, and custom metrics is included in our Lease Administration Service. Analyzing current rents versus market rents is a small additional fee.
Talk to an Advisor
Interested in learning more about our services? Please reach out to see if National Lease Advisors is a good fit for your company.